When the majority of the plants I planted by the pond this summer never poked through the ground, I decided to make a Garden map so that next spring I would know what plants were coming through. And also so I would know where annuals were so that I could plant new plants there next year. Granted not every plant I purchased went by the pond, most of them did. This is my little hand drawn, attempt at a map.

Plants are coded by number.
1. Montana Wild Fern
2. Trillium Grandiflorum
3. Twin Leaf Jeffersonia
4. Dutchmen's Breeches
5. Bottle Gentian
6. Trillium Sessile
7. Helleborus Orientalis
8. Snap Dragon
9. Sweet Potato Vine (Green)
10. Lupine
11. Rain Lily
12. Jacob's Ladder
13. Peacock Orchids
14. Forget Me Nots
15. Lettuce
16. Begonia
17. Corsican Mint
18. Irish Moss
19. Kenilworth Ivy
20. Clumping Baby's Breath
21. New Guinea Impatiens (Apple Blossom)
22. New Guinea Impatiens (?)
23. Labrador Violet
24. Variegated Grass (Pink and white)
25. Variegated Grass (Green and white)
26. Coleus
27. Royal Fern
28. Digitalis
29. Blackberry Lily
30. Sharp Lobed Hepatica
31. Round Lobed Hepatica
32. Ligularia Japonica
33. Balloon Flower
34. Sweet Potato Vine (Purple)
35. Sweet Potato Vine (variegated)
36. Trout Lily (Yellow and White)
37. Jack in the Pulpit
38. Hosta
39. Brunnera (Jack Frost)
40. Wild Ginger
41. Lily of the Valley
42. Dwarf Crested Iris
Pond Plants
1. Bloody Dock
2. Aquatic Mint
3. Penny Wart
4. Aquatic Forget Me Not
5. Hygrophila
6. Sider Lily
7. Aquatic Hibiscus
8. Horsetail Rush
9. Black Gamecock Iris
10. Parrot's Feather
11. Bacopa
12. Dwarf Cattail
13. Dwarf Water Lily
14. Red Water Lily
15. Water Hyacinth
16. Water Lettuce
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